A few words about Jack on his second birthday…
Jackie Man-
Every child is unique, their
presence a gift. The arrival of each additional child adds such richness to the
makeup of a family. After they are here, you wonder how you ever did without
them in the first place! This is how we feel about our Jack Noble. Jack Man, You are full of mischief and
curiosity, always into everything, a regular stinker! You toddle around the
house, lifting up things and looking around to see what you might use for your
rascally purposes. You want to know how things work, what everything is and how
it is used. I have to keep my eyes on you almost constantly. If I don’t know
where you are and it is silent for even a minute, I can be sure that you are up
to something sneaky. When I find that you’ve gotten into something, you look at
me with those big blue eyes, a half grin, and a face that says you know you’ve
been caught. I can hardly be upset with you. Your dad says that you have me
wrapped around your little finger. This is only partially true. You are just so
darn cute! I can hardly stand it.
It has been fun having another boy
around the house again. You are all boy, for sure. You like to make lots of
noise. You love cars, trucks, and trains. You love moving parts, anything with
wheels. You are always figuring out how things work. You like to experiment
with knobs, switches, and buttons. You say, “Look, Mommy!” and always want to
show me what you can do. Your favorite toys are trucks, balls and your bike and
car. Sometimes you pick up baby dolls and roll them around in the shopping cart
and make them go “night night.” You love
to wear your little blue Crocs. You wear them with everything. You are very
daring and adventurous, unafraid of anything. You dive into the swimming pool
with a big splash, almost without looking or thinking about it. You throw
yourself around. I keep thinking that you are going to hurt yourself, because
you aren’t the slightest bit cautious.
You love books. You will often grab
one of the many people who are around the house and say, “Read me!!” (Read to
me!!) You can often be seen sitting in the rocking chair listening to a book or
thumbing through a book and reading to yourself. Right now, your favorites are Snug House Bug House, Go Dog Go, The Toddler Bible, and Little
Blue Truck.
You love to sit in my lap. You come
up to me all the time and say, “Want lap! Want hold you!” You love to be
snuggled and held and carried All. The. Time.
You will dish out kisses and hugs to anyone who asks. You love the
attention you get on a regular basis. If Mabel is sitting in my lap, you have
been known to come up and give her a push. You don’t like anyone else getting
your place.
You have been our most finicky
eater, but you are finally coming around. Often you decide that you don’t like
something, even before you have tried it. This is super annoying. None of our
other children have nearly so picky. We continue to insist that you try a
couple of bites of each thing at the table, sometimes having to employ bribery
to get you to comply. You are already getting better.
You are a friendly, social little
guy. You love people. If someone overwhelms you, you might hide your head
behind me, but for the most part, you smile and wave at passers by, people at
church, etc. At church, you make a bee line for Mr. Krueger, a.k.a. “the candy
man.” You run up and say, “Mr. Krueger!” and hug his leg. After he gives you a
sucker, you say, “Tank you!” and then proceed to show off your sucker to every
person you encounter saying, “Look! I got sucker!” You especially love elderly people. Several
times I have seen you run up to an elderly person and say, “Hi! Hi!” and
continue to wave at them, without them seeing, until they finally see you. Then
you flash them that sweet sheepish grin of yours and proceed to start “joking”
with them in your own Jack way. You might point your finger and make a shooting
gun sound or swat at them and laugh. Most people think you are pretty cute and
pretty funny.
still sleep in a pack n play in our closet. We don’t have room anywhere else in
the house for you just yet. You don’t seem to mind. You still get up most
nights in the middle of the night to snuggle, but you are starting to sleep
through the night more and more. I don’t mind. You are a sweet little snuggler.
I am soaking it up, enjoying you to the fullest, even in the middle of the
love to help your dad when he takes his shower each morning. You stand outside
his shower door while he is showering and wait. When he is finished, you open
the door for him and are waiting with his towel and a pair of shoes. You are a
funny buddy.
love “gums” (guns) and carry them around the house making shooting sounds and
saying, “I shoot bad animals.” You are fearless, killing bugs and taking crazy
risks, such as standing up on tall chairs and reaching high spaces. You have to
be told repeatedly to ‘Get down from there!’ ‘Don’t touch that!’ ‘No, Jack!’ You are my first climber. To be honest, all
of that climbing on things scares me a little bit.
like to sing. You love music. You like “God Will Make A Way”, “Bless the Lord,
O My Soul”, “Jesus Loves Me” and “The B-I-B-L-E” the best. You have a pretty
good little voice. You can sing the tunes correctly. I love to hear your little
voice belting out your favorite tunes.
have been memorizing Bible verses along with your older sisters and insist upon
saying them after breakfast. We’ve
learned that you’ll say anything for the reward of a “chocate chip.”
teachers in your Bible class have told me that you are quite the tiny jokester.
They say that you take the little teaching props and hide them behind your back
when the teachers aren’t looking. You smile really big and say, “Where’d it go?
It gome!” (You say your n’s like m’s.) Then you say, “Theh i is!” and laugh and
giggle as you pull it back out. I asked them if any of the other kids in there
did things like that. They told me that you had a remarkable sense of humor,
that you were really silly and tell pretty good “jokes” for your age. Wonder
where you got that? J
Noble, you are a special blessing to us. We love you so much! You bring us such
joy! I love to see your sweet smile. I love to get your snuggly hugs. We are so
thankful for your life and pray that you will always use your talents for God’s
glory. You are a sweet little man. We can’t imagine our family without you in it.
Can’t wait to see you grow and change this year and see what type of man God
will shape you to be. I love you!