Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Next Cindy?

An uneventful evening...
My sister was trying to figure out her lights. Guess who got to be her model? I have decided that modeling is my hidden talent. But, what do I know? I'll let my blog readers be the judges.


leslie said...

I think you're beautiful!!

Melanie said...

So Cute!! Hope you're having a great week!

hollyfouts said...

You are so silly (and beautiful). You should frame all of these together and put them on Josh's nightstand!

mcjacobsjournal said...

I think Josh would LOVE these! And, yes, you are most definitely the next Cindy. :) Sounds like a fun night with your sister....those are the best, aren't they?!

jenny biz said...

WOW! I can't believe you kept this under wraps for so long! Gor- G- OS!!

Katie said...

work it girl!

Anonymous said...

I love those model faces...rarrrrr...haha

Hannah Ruthie said...

whoops...that last comment was me. not some freaky weirdo. just thought I'd let you know. haha